Autopanic FAQ

Created: May 10, 2022

Last Updated April 3, 2023: Here are answers to frequently asked questions about my first game, Autopanic!

What is Autopanic? 🔗

Autopanic is fully diegetic twinstick shooter with rogue-like elements in which you need to follow the guidance of an AI to reach the top floor of a mysteries facility. Autopanic is intentionally designed to be a freeing experience where the player can learn the world at their own pace. I aim to deliver a game with some interesting narrative design along with satisfying fast-paced combat.

Where can I get Autopanic? 🔗

Autopanic will soon be available on:

What are the PC versions’ minimum system requirements? 🔗

For PC, the lowest spec machine tested sports an Intel i5-8400 + RX470 combination and can run 1080p/60fps consistently. In addition, I’ve made sure Steam Deck can run the game at a consistent 800p/60fps, and can have a decent enough 90fps gameplay experience if you want.

It can go a lot lower if you’re willing to run it at even lower resolution, engage lower FPS cap, and even lowering the visual quality.

Does Autopanic have PC controller support? 🔗

Yes! The game automatically work with any controller thrown at it. If not? That’s probably Unity’s fault. You can also toggle on/off Steam Input, both of which might lead to a proper detection of controller input.

What languages does the game support? 🔗

Autopanic features English and Traditional Chinese interface/subtitle, more language support is planned but will definitely take some time because I hope all languages to be written natively instead of being a plain translation.

Does Autopanic support PC cloud saves? 🔗

Yes! Autopanic supports cloud saves on Steam. You may also find local copies of your saves under Documents\Saved Games\Autopanic.

What does fully diegetic mean, anyway…? 🔗

All elements shown in Autopanic are in-universe without exception.

And you said there are Rogue-like elements? 🔗

Each attempt will feature different layout, enemy composition, and whatever rewards you can find.

I wouldn’t dare say this is a full-blown Rogue-like but there should be enough stuffs around for you to enjoy!

Who are you, again…? 🔗

I’m DK Liao, a developer from Taiwan!

I studied Chemical Engineering and Information Management. I’m extremely interested in Operation Research and Theory of Computation. And I’ve worked as video editor and translator at Ubisoft’s local branch for around six years.

I figure with all the things I’ve learnt, game development is the only choice to make them all shine! So here I am!

How long was Autopanic in development? 🔗

The first prototype of Autopanic is finished in April 2020. The actual development started at May 1st 2020. The project was put on hold several times but three years of development should be accurate enough. If you’re interested, I’ve keep tabs on my development for the most part here on this little site of mine.

Is Autopanic a multiplayer game, or are there any plans for multiplayer? 🔗

Autopanic is a single-player game. I initially have some idea for a couch coop mode, but that end up being scrapped, for now. The gameplay and narrative of Autopanic has always been designed with a solo experience in mind anyways.

Does Autopanic include DRM of any kind? 🔗

Nope, you can copy the folder anywhere and it should still work!

I have more questions! 🔗

Please feel free to reach out with questions or feedback via contact in presskit or Discord.