Autopanic demo will be available in Tiny Teams 2023 (8/3~8/10)!

· 191 words · 1 minute read


My game Autopanic’s demo is now available as part of Tiny Teams 2023 (8/3~8/10 BST)!

There are certainly still mechanics missing, but the public demo will feature around 50% of content and 80% of the mechanics. So if possible, please check it out and share your thoughts with me!

Thanks in advance!


So, this demo release without much announcement or marketing is an accident in itself. To put it bluntly, I never thought I’d be featured in Tiny Teams to the point that I even forgot the fact that I registered.

And here we are.

So anyways, since I haven’t got time to revisit the marketing materials yet, I figure the least I can do is to put out a demo of sorts. And I’ve been busy fixing some of the major bugs and mechanic changes for the past few weeks, and well, here’s the demo.

Also, this demo is sorta The Whole Game, by which I mean it is technically possible to reach the end of the game. Will anyone been able to reach the end? Or will no one play the demo at all? We’ll see, we’ll see.